

发布者:  发布时间:2020-07-02  阅读: 1518







1)《广州暨南大学华文学院非学历国际学生入学申请表1份。Application form for Non-degree Programs.doc申请表可登陆网页http://hwy.jnu.edu.cn下载或向华文学院招生办公室索取。

2) 护照或其它有效身份证件复印件1份。报到时查验原件。




































备注: 1.入住时,须在财务科交财产及水电费押金600元,床上用品须自备;

    2. 入住时,须缴一张一寸照片和一张护照复印件交至宿舍楼服务台;

            3. 房内实行定量供电,每月结算一次。每月免费用电量:单人房100度,双人房每人50度,超出部分须另外缴费。






收款单位账号:648357742811SWIFT CODEBKCH CN BJ400


十一 温馨提示:华文学院另设有语言学及应用语言学、海外华语及华文教学博士专业,汉语国际教育、语言学及应用语言学、海外华语及华文教学硕士专业,汉语言本科专业、华文教育本科专业及大学预科教育,详情请参见各相关招生简章。

Guangyuan Road East,Tianhe,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510610PRChina.

     Tel: 86-20-87205925   Fax: 86-20-87206598   Website: http://hwy.jnu.edu.cn

Pre-Admission & Registration Notice for Non-degree Program for International Students

Spring Term 2020

Notice for freshmen:

Due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, there is a big uncertainty in the autumn of 2020. Whether students couldstudy back at school or not still depends on the development of the epidemic and China national policy.

Now we accept the pre-application of non-degree Chinese course in the autumn of 2020. The application fee, tuition fee and accommodation fee will be charged once students return to school. If students are not able to enter school at that time, please refer to: Introduction of online Chinese course for non-degree Chinese students.


1) Step1:Submit the following documents to the admissions office or send them via e-mail to ohwy@jnu.edu.cn.

i. One copy of a filled Application Form of the College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University. Application form can be downloaded from our website: http://hwy.jnu.edu.cn.

ii. One copy of Passport.

2) Step 2: Pay application fee. Applicants may pay it upon arrival at campus for registration or remit the fee via bank account. Incomplete information will not be accepted for application.The application fee is not refundable.

IIApplication Date:Applications are accepted all year round. The recommended application period is from June 30th, 2020 toAugust 10th, 2020.

. Registration and Fee Remittance on arrival

Students shall register onrequested timein person. Please present Admission Notice, passport, 1 copy of passport and valid visa page to the Admission officers, and pay all fees upon registration.

IVStudy period for the new semester Sept. 8th,2020 toJan 23rd,2021

If you are admitted by the college, please read the following guidance carefully.

VEnrollment and Visa Application

After the application of a student is received, if eligible, an admissions notice will be issued and sent to the student. Once admissions notice is received, if Students can not study at school, the course will be conducted online(Please refer to General Regulations for the Enrollment of Online Chinese Course). If students can enter China, students should apply for Student’s visa (“X” visa) to the Chinese embassy or consulate in your home country with the documents we send to you and other documents required by the embassy. The students should change the student visa to a residence permit within thirty days after your arrival in China.    

Some students may need a "Visa Application Form for Study in China" (JW202) when they apply for a student visa. We will send the JW202 form to these students, but they should make sure to apply for this form 2 months earlier, for it takes at least 2 months for approval.

Foreign students under the age of 18 should be under the custody of guardian, who must be a local resident of Guangdong. Notarized certification of the guardianship must be submitted. For more details, please refer to “Guide to Notarized Certification for International Students under the Age of 18”.

Students who have a valid residential permit and who wish to transfer to CCLC from other Chinese schools should ask for a transfer letter, graduation letter, transcripts and attendance records with an attendance rate of above 80% (students who study bachelors’ degree or higher should provide degree certificate or study letter) from their former school so the college can help them to extend their residential permit upon arrival.

VIMedical Examination(for offline study only)

Medical examination in Guangdong International Travel Health Care Center will be arranged for freshmen after registration. Unqualified students will be rejected. Students who have had medical examinations in other countries should bring the original documents, which will be validated after being authenticated by the Guangdong International Travel Health Care Center.

VIIInsurance(for offline study only)

According to the “Provisional Regulations for Compulsory International Student Insurance at Higher Institutions of Learning” issued by the Education Ministry of the P.R China, international students in China must buy a group comprehensive insurance sold in mainland China (including free of particular average, personal accident insurance, medical insurance). The insurance should be bought upon registration. Otherwise, the registration will be rejected.

VIIIAccommodation Reservation and Pick-up Service(for offline study only)

Free pickup service at Guangzhou International Airport is arranged for freshmen during registration days.If  

it’s not within the period of registration time, fee for pickup service will be charged. Students can choose to go to  

the college on their own: 1) By taking the airport shuttle to Zhongxin Square and then by taxi go to our college. Taking a taxi costs about 15 yuan. 2) Taking a taxi at the airport directly to our college costs about 120-130 yuan RMB.3) Taking subway Line 1 to Guangzhou East Railway Station. After getting off, you should get out from Exit J and cross the pedestrian overpass, and go east for about 200 metres to get to our college.4) If you take Bus 89, Bus 54, Bus B11, get off at Stop Chunhuiyuan; if you take Bus 560, Bus 298, Bus 60, get off at Stop Sougouling; if you take Bus 138, Bus 27, get off at Stop Jiuzhou Wenhua Guangchang. Walk from the above stops to our college takes about 1-3 minutes. Students who need the pickup service or accommodation reservation, please contact the Admissions Office .Contact phone: 8620-87205925. FAX: 86-20-87206598 E-MAIL: ohwy@jnu.edu.cn.

IXFees          (Currency: RMB)

i. Application Fee500 Yuan; 350 Yuan for Short-term Course.( not for Old students of offline study, not for online study of both new and old students)

ii. Tuition

1Rudimentary, Intermediate and Advanced Chinese Language ClassCrash Chinese CourseBusiness Chinese 8850 Yuan /semester.  2Short-term Chinese class800 Yuan/ per week.

iii. Dormitory Fees



Fee (RMB)


Zhong’ai Building

and Xinyi Building

Single Room


Each room has its own bathroom with hot water, air conditioner and internet connection and there are furnitures like single bed, wardrobe, and study table with chair inside. Inside building there are washing machines. Seperated balconies are arranged in double rooms and shared balconies are in every floor for single rooms.

Du’xing Building and Jing’shen Building

Double Room


Note: 1. Deposit600Yuan.Every resident is to pay RMB 600yuan as a cash pledge when moving in. Beddings are not provided.

2. Please submit your 1 inch photo and 1 copy of passport to our dormitory receptionist.

3. A certain amount of electricity allowance is provided monthly, but residents must pay for any additional usage. The free electricity allowance covers 100 units (kwh) for single room, 50 units (kwh) for double room.

iv. Miscellaneous Fees

Total about 2300 Yuan RMB. Charged according to actual cost including the fees of medical examination, prophylactic inoculation for hepatitis type AB, Visa, Campus IC Card, international student’s comprehensive insurance, residential permit, text books, etc.

The college charges in RMB. All fees must be paid by cash or Union pay cards. Overseas bank cards or other kinds of cards cannot be used. All fees above must be paid upon registration. None of the fees above are refundable if the students quit from school for their personal reasons after registration.

X. Guidance for Remittance of Fees


BENEFICIARYCollege of Chinese Language & Culture, Jinan University


Note: In column of Note, please fill in Chinese name and other ID information of the sender.  

.About Other Programs in the College

The college has Chinese Linguistics’ doctoral and master degree programs. In addition, we have Chinese Language undergraduate program, Overseas Chinese Education undergraduate program, distance education (correspondence), pre-university education and other short-term Chinese training Classes, Teacher’s Training Courses, etc. The relevant admission prospectuses for further information are on request.

Application form for Non-degree Programs.doc