发布者: 发布时间:2020-04-02 阅读: 1572
一 学习时间:2020年4月13日-2020年7月24日
三 课程安排: 4月7-10日,新生入学分班测试。6人以上开班。
每周一 ~ 周五、北京时间,学生可根据自身情况选择合适的班级。
8:30-11:00 | 9:30-12:00 | 13:30-16:00 | 15:30-18:00 | 19:30-22:00 |
初级汉语E1班 | 初级汉语E2班 | 初级汉语E3班 | 初级汉语E4班 | 初级汉语E5班 |
初级汉语D1班 | 初级汉语D2班 | |||
初级汉语C1班 | 初级汉语C2班 | |||
初级汉语B1班 | 初级汉语B2班 | 初级汉语B3班 | 初级汉语B4班 | |
初级汉语A1班 | 初级汉语A2班 | 初级汉语A3班 | 初级汉语A4班 | |
中级上汉语1班 | 中级上汉语2班 | 中级上汉语3班 | 中级上汉语4班 | |
中级下汉语1班 | 中级下汉语2班 |
四 教学模式:网络直播互动教学
五 学费: 4800元(北京时间4月6日0:00后报名)
六 缴费方式:
1, 用已付的学费抵扣,秋季学期继续学习,补齐秋季学期学费。
2, 用已付的学费抵扣,秋季学期不继续学习,申请退剩余学费。
新生汇款至: (学生需自付汇款手续费)
收款单位账号:648357742811(SWIFT CODE:BKCH CN BJ400)
七 报名:
电 话:86-20-87205925
苏老师:(86)18675824336 (手机微信同号)
备注:1. 大学目前不协助办理签证。
2. 不招收在华留学生新生(能自负签证的除外)
General Regulations for the Enrollment of Online Chinese Course
Ⅰ. Class Session
From April 13 to July 24, 2020.
Ⅱ. Main Courses
Comprehensive Course, Listening and Speaking Course, Grammar Course, etc.
Ⅲ. Class Arrangement
April 7 – April 10, Placement Test for new students. Class will start only if there are 6 or more than 6 people.
Every Monday to Friday, Beijing Time
Students can choose the appropriate class according to your own situation.
8:30-11:00 | 9:30-12:00 | 13:30-16:00 | 15:30-18:00 | 19:30-22:00 |
Elementary E1 | Elementary E2 | Elementary E3 | Elementary E4 | Elementary E5 |
Elementary D1 | Elementary D2 | |||
Elementary C1 | Elementary C2 | |||
Elementary B1 | Elementary B2 | Elementary B3 | Elementary B4 | |
Elementary A1 | Elementary A2 | Elementary A3 | Elementary A4 | |
Intermediate(Ⅰ)Class1 | Intermediate(Ⅰ)Class 2 | Intermediate(Ⅰ)Class 3 | Intermediate(Ⅰ)Class 4 | |
Intermediate(Ⅱ) Class 1 | Intermediate(Ⅱ) Class 2 |
E、D、C、B、A、Intermediate (Ⅰ)、 (Ⅱ) are different levels of Chinese language.
Elementary class: Comprehensive Course, Listening and Speaking Course
Intermediate class: Comprehensive Course, Listening and Speaking Course, Grammar Course
Ⅳ. Teaching Mode
Online live interactive teaching
Ⅴ. Tuition Fee
4800CNY(Register and pay after April 6, 0:00, Beijing Time)
3800CNY(Register and pay after May 1, 0:00, Beijing Time)
Ⅵ. Payment Methods
Students who have paid the tuition fee of the spring semester:
1. Take deduction from the tuition fee, continue the study in autumn semester and pay the remaining tuition fee.
2. Take deduction from the tuition fee, will not continue the study in autumn semester and apply for refund.
New students (Remittance):
(Students need to pay the bank charge of remittance by themselves.)
Account Name: College of Chinese Language & Culture, Jinan University
Bank: Bank of China Guangzhou yue ken lu office
Account Number: 648357742811(SWIFT CODE:BKCH CN BJ400)
(Note: In column of Note, please fill in name on passport, or Chinese name +Online Class in March, and other ID information of the sender.)
Ⅶ. Registration:
Registration Materials: A copy of Your passport and The payment receipt
Registration Method: Fill in the Registration Form and Information Sheet, send to ohwy@jnu.edu.cn
Registration Time: From now on
Registration Consultation: Admission Office
Tel: 86-20-87205925
Fax: 86-20-87206598
Email : ohwy@jnu.edu.cn
Online Course Consultation:
Miss Su
Tel :(86)18675824336 (Wetchat)
Note: 1. University is unable to assist with the visa at present.
2.University do not accept the new international students who are in China.(Except the students who can be responsible for their own visa)