发布者: 发布时间:2019-06-03 阅读: 318
■ 跨学科视角下的汉语特征与汉语教学研究
■ 国别化汉语教学模式、方法研究
■ 不同国别学习者认知特征与汉语教学研究
■ 国际汉语教学资源库与教材建设研究
■ 国别化汉语师资培养研究
■ 汉语第二语言 /继承语测试研究
■ 不同国别学习者汉语发展动态研究
■ 信息技术与汉语教学研究
● 请有意参会者于2019年7月15日前提交回执信息及论文摘要内容。
● 会议学术委员会将对摘要匿名评审,并于2019年7月25日公布录用通知,论文全文提交截止日期为10月15号。所有稿件请投至会议邮箱。 。
● 报到时间为:2019年11月29日(星期五)
● 会议时间为:2019年11月30日(星期六)至12月01日(星期日)
● 离会时间为:12月02日
1. 摘要包括:论文题目(黑体,小二号,居中)、摘要(500字左右,宋体,小四号,1.5倍行距)、关键词(3-5个,宋体,小四号,1.5倍行距)、作者信息(包括姓名、职称、学历、工作单位、电子邮箱,仿宋体,五号,1.5倍行距)。
2. 文中如有英文,请用Times New Roman字体。
3. 摘要提交用Word文档,请使用MicrosoftWord版本或WPS版本保存均可,文件名称请用“作者姓名 下划线 摘要标题”的格式。
4. 摘要内容不超过一页,投稿邮箱:jnuhuawen@163.com。
5. 本次会议的部分优秀论文经匿名评审以后,将刊登在《国际汉语学报》上;同时参会优秀论文将结集出版。
The 6th International Conference on Characteristics of Chinese Language and Chinese Teaching (2019):
Mutiple Perspectives and Interdisciplines
The First Call for Papers
The 6th International Conference on Characteristics of Chinese Language and Chinese Teaching will be held at College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University from November 29th (Friday) to December 2nd (Monday), 2019, aiming to advance the study on characteristics of Chinese language and international Chinese teaching, facilitate the development of Chinese language teaching, strengthen its methodological innovation, and meet in a better way the personal demands of individual learners of Chinese from different countries and regions. The conference is organized by Jinan University. The conference consists of keynote speeches and symposiums. We invite the submission of full completed research papers on the topics listed below.
I Conference Topics
Focusing on “characteristics of Chinese language and international Chinese teaching”, the topics of the conference include but are not limited to
l Interdisciplinary Approaches to characteristics of Chinese language and international Chinese teaching
l Methods and Modes of Country-specific Chinese Teaching
l Cognitive features and Chinese teaching of learners of different countries
l Construction of the resources database and textbooks of international Chinese teaching
l Country-specific training of Chinese language teachers
l Testing Chinese as a second/heritage language
l Dynamic development of country-specific learners of Chinese
l Information technology and Chinese teaching
II Conference language: Chinese or English
III Important Dates
l Deadline for abstract submission and confirmation note return: July 15th, 2019
l Notification of accepted abstracts: July 25th, 2019 (All the submitted abstracts are reviewed anonymously by the conference academic committee.)
l Deadline for full paper submission: October 15th, 2019
l Abstracts and full papers should be submitted to the conference email: jnuhuawen@163.com.
l Conference registration: November 29th (Friday), 2019
l Conference dates: November 30th (Saturday) –December 1st (Sunday), 2019
l Departure date: December 2nd, 2019
IV Abstract Format
1. Abstracts should include: the title (Bold Face, 18, centered), text part (around 500 Chinese characters, Song, 12, 1.5 line spacing), key words (3-5 words, Song, 12, 1.5 line spacing), author’s information (including name, technical title, degree, affiliation, email; FangSong, 10.5, 1.5 line spacing).
2. The English text in abstracts should be in Time New Roman.
3. Abstracts should be edited in the format of doc/docx of Microsoft Office or WPS Office. Abstract documents should be named as “Author’s Name_Title”.
4. Abstracts should be within one page (A4) in length, and submitted to jnuhuawen@163.com.
5. Some of the excellent papers, reviewed and selected anonymously by the conference academic committee, will be published in Journal of International Chinese Studies, while other excellent papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
V Conference registration fee and Accommodation
The registration fee is RMB ¥600 per person,meals included. Postgraduate students majoring in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages are welcome to participate the conference. For students who submit abstracts, the registration fee is RMB ¥300 per person.
The expenses of transportation, accommodation, travel, etc. are not included in the registration fee, and will be borne by participants themselves.
VI. Contact Information
Website for registration and abstract/full paper submission: https://hwjyyth.jnu.edu.cn
Contact Person: Ms Shuting Yang
Email: jnuhuawen@163.com
Tel.: 86-20-87044850