

发布者:  发布时间:2015-04-20  阅读: 4707

Chinese Learning Summer Session 2015
一、学习时间Study Period:201576814(共六周)
From Jul. 6th to Aug. 14th, 2015  (6 weeks’ course)
1. 汉语初级上班(未学过汉语者)Rudimentary Chinese Class I (for beginners)
2汉语提高班(具备一定汉语基础,按程度分别编班)Chinese class II for Higher Level(The students will be streamed based on their Chinese levels.)
主要课程Main courses汉语精读、汉语阅读、汉语听说Intensive Chinese ReadingChinese ReadingChinese Listening and Speaking
(一)报名费Application fee:  350元人民币/350 RMB/person
(二)学 Tuition fee:  4800元人民币/4800 RMB/person
(三)住宿费Housing fee
1. 笃行楼和敬慎楼双人空调房50元人民币/天 double room with air-conditioner in Duxing Building and Jingshen Building 50 RMB/day/person
2. 笃行楼和敬慎楼四人空调房35元人民币/天 Room for 4 persons with air-conditioner in Duxing Building and Jingshen Building 35 RMB/day/person
(四)课本费Textbook fee:按实收费,约100about 100 RMB/person (Charged according to the actual costs)
(五)活动费Activity fee
广州一日游300/人。One day trip in Guangzhou 300 RMB/person
民俗一日游300/人。One day folk custom trip 300 RMB/person
活动自愿参加,费用自理,十五人成团。These activities are optional. One activity needs at least 15 students participated or it will be canceled. 
五、需提交的材料Documents needed to be submitted:
1报名表1 1 application form
2护照复印件1 1 photocopy of passport
六、报名时间Application Time:201573日前Before Jul. 3rd, 2015
可插班入读。Students can still apply for the class after it begins.
七、报到注册时间Registration Time:201573Jul. 3rd, 2015
报到注册地点Registration Place:华文学院招生办公室(办公楼110
)Admissions Office, Room110, administration building of the college
(一)接受传真、邮寄或电子邮件报名。Application by fax, by mail or e-mail is acceptable.
(二)10人以上开班。The class will be canceled if applicant students are less than 10 persons.
(三)开班后所交报名费、学费不予退还。The fees of application and tuition are not refundable if the class opens.
(四)学生签证事宜自理。Students need to handle the visa themselves.
暨南大学华文学院地址Address of College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University:广州天河区广园东路(广州火车东站后面)瘦狗岭路377 Rd. ShouGouling No.377, Guangyuan East Road, (Nearby Guangzhou East Railway Station), Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510610, China
联系电话Contact Tel:(862087205925
联系人Contact老师 Miss Wang
E-mail Address: ohwy@jnu.edu.cn